Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Pink Door Launch - Birkenhead to Berlin

"We have been working feverishly for a long time and today was a big day for us: the first women moved into our shelter and now we are finaly beginning." (PinkDoor Facebook)

 On January 20, our regional team celebrated the official launch of the Pink Door, a long-term recovery program for women transitioning out of prostitution, sexual enslavement or sexual exploitation.  Praise God this dream has become a reality.  on Feb 6, Pink Door held a launch party to celebrate the opening - the hard work of the many volunteers and partners.  Audrey joined the other memebers of the Three Worlds team in Berlin to help with food preparation and service.  Over 100 people met to celebrate the opening of the Pink Door House.  Prior to the launch party, Audrey was able to assist with some IT setup for the house.  Please pray for this amazing ministry in Berlin and for our teammates Kelley and Rhonda Philips, who have spend years following this dream into fruition. 

- Landfords

Prayer points for the coming month:
  • Continue to pray for the Tuesday and Wednesday student ministries. 
  • Pray for our house group. Practical and spiritual needs. 
  • Pray for Pastor John Pemberton, Birkenhead Church of God, as he is dealing with health issues.